Interested in becoming a Scout Leader?
Congratulations! The fact that you are asking that question means you have made the first step. Scouting doesn’t happen without caring adults like you that take that first step to become trained leaders. By becoming a volunteer, you are helping to ensure that your child and other youth in Scouting benefit from a fun and exciting program. You can help create an amazing experience that they will remember for all their lives.
There are many different ways to volunteer. Each position is rewarding and will have a positive impact on the kids in the program. Each position also has its own fast and simple training program that you can take online and Council staff are always available to help answer any questions you may have. Volunteering is fun and easy.
Unit Volunteer
If you have a child in a Troop or Pack, this is normally were you may start serving as a leader. You may be asked to be a den leader with your son or daughter’s Den. As a Den Leader you work with Scouts to complete rank requirements. Or, you may be asked to be a Committee Member who helps to take care of the Administrative side of a unit such as financial, Planning and Training. Either way, you are sharing the Scouting experience with your child and making the program the best it can be.
Eventually you may take on the role of leading the unit as an Assistant Scoutmaster or Cubmaster. This leadership role is the most rewarding as it allows you to plan unit events, organize activities, take the unit camping and give the kids the ultimate Scouting experience.
Who do you contact about becoming a Unit Volunteer? Contact the current Cubmaster (Cub Scouts) or Scoutmaster (Scouts, BSA). If interested in becoming a member of the unit committee contact the Committee Chair.
District Volunteer
As a member of the District committee you provide leadership and support to Unit Volunteers and Scouts in your district. Each district is made up of approximately 25 units (Cubs and Scouts, BSA). Unit leaders may also be a district volunteer. Being a District volunteer allows you the rewarding opportunity of helping area units in their Scouting journey and planning annual district events such as Klondike Derbies, Camporees and more. Your can also serve on one of the many district committees such as the Camping Sub Committee that reports to the Council Camping Committee and District Committee.
- Camping Committee
- Training Committee
- Activity Committee
- Safety /YPTCommittee
- Advancement Committee
- Commissioner Team
- Financials Committee
Who do you contact about becoming a District Volunteer? Contact the Sub Committee Chairs, District Chair, or District Executive to express interest.
ADIRONDACK FOOTHILLS DISTRICT – Rebekah Dickerson, District Executive • Phone: (315)735-7346 • Email: rebekah.dickerson@scouting.org
POWDERHORN DISTRICT – Diane Drake, Senior District Executive • Phone: (315)281-6867 • Email: diane.drake@scouting.org
SUSQUEHANNA HEADWATERS DISTRICT – John Harniman, District Director• Email: john.harniman@scouting.org
Council Volunteer
If you are at the Council level you are part of one of the council committee and provided support to all districts and unit leaders and may work and server on one of the Council Service Territory committee. You may also be asked to join the Board or Council executive Committee.
Who do you contact about becoming a Council leader? Be a member of a District Committee and express interest in serving a higher level.